
The power to do more!

Automating procedures in your business make a lot of sense. Most people, however, are not aware of what they can automate or how to do it.

Businesses are beginning to adopt chatbots because they know a well-designed bot will save them time and help them make more money.

A chatbot can provide crucial support in your business at a tiny fraction of the cost of hiring new employees.

So How do Chatbots help your business?

Capture More Leads

We build your Bot with a no-hassle One-click email opt-in that allows you to capture every person who interacts with your bot as a potential lead. This simple one-click method also allows you to gather valuable data about your customers.

Automate Your Sales

Bot’s work 24/7 and can interact with multiple customers at a time, this means that there is the potential to be selling your services or products even while you sleep. With our Bot’s you are able to take over the conversation at any point and help close the sale with “Live Chat” as well.

Lower Lead Costs

Advertising costs can be expensive for any business and while it is still important to advertise, we can help build up to a dozen other sources of traffic to lower you lead cost and get more sales.

Increase Conversions

Bots provide a two-way interaction between your business and your customer. This interaction can be laser targeted to your customers needs and this increased engagement can pay dividends for many years.

Capitalise On A Trend

It is always hard to predict what is the next big thing but so far, the use of chatbots for business is not going to be a passing fad. We want to build a bot for you that will stand the test of time and will be an asset for the long term.

Save Time

Automation of basic tasks in your business can help free time for you as a business owner and can be the shortcut to the success you need for your business. We think that bots are “cool” and hope that we have shown you why you need a bot.

How Chatbots can be used

Livechat With Your Customers

Chatbots can sit on your website or landing page and interact with prospective customers who would otherwise leave your website. It’s an effective way to collect important contact details from your leads, begin a conversation with them, and move them towards a sale.

Ask for Customer Reviews

This allows you to send links and request that clients fill in a Google and Facebook review for you. Then send follow-up emails that both nurtures and reminds them of special offers.


A marketing bot is used in advertising, posting and anywhere you generally can add a link and you want to communicate with potential clients.

The beauty of using a bot is that it acts as a CRM and you are collecting information.

Prequalify Clients

The beauty of a prequalifying bot seems obvious, you save a lot of time by not talking with the wrong people. You send them to your email automation.

The hot prospects you get to talk with straight away. The money and frustration saved are priceless.

Are you ready to Seize the Moment?

Get a quote by clicking the quote link

Still not sure if a chatbot is right for your business?

Checkout our Bot by clicking on the link below.

Availia Digital’s Chatbot